The Science of Learning module provides an evidence-informed grounding in key theories from cognitive neuroscience and psychology about what learning is, why we do it, and how it happens. But that’s only the beginning. Building on these foundations of theory, students are then guided to try out new approaches in the classroom and implement the most effective in their long-term practice. By learning and applying, and by collaborating and reflecting with others, students deepen their understanding of the prerequisites for learning something new, making learning meaningful, and making knowledge useful.

This module is developed by Dr Efrat Furst and Dr Niki Kaiser, alongside EBE’s Director of Education, Prof Stuart Kime. Efrat is a cognitive neuroscientist and former post-doctoral Fellow at Harvard University’s Learning Incubator; and Niki is an award-winning Chemistry teacher and Research Lead at Norwich Research School.

Throughout the module, students ‘walk the walk’ by experiencing and using the theories they learn: for example, low-stakes quizzing is used throughout to improve retrieval and storage strength, and distributed practice helps make the most of the power of forgetting. Progressing through the module, students build implementation plans for improvement initiatives to increase their colleagues’ understanding of learning and the tools to enhance it for themselves and their student. Successful completion of the module equips students with both the knowledge and practical know-how to begin effecting wider positive changes to practice and policy across their institution.